
Friday, October 1, 2010

Quests are out!

Hey Pandas,

Quests are out! You can exceed through the levels by doing numerous quests, and gain coins at the same time! Isn't this great? I'll hopefully release a guide for the quests, to help you if you get stuck, and general help on them.

Bendy :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

And more stuff...

Hey Pandas,

Theres more! Like the new fish:

  Enjoy the Harvest Festival while its here!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

NEW LOCATION! Harvest Grove

Hey Pandas,

Harvest Grove is now open!! It is located:
It has a sliding-screen but to see it, you'll have to check it out!


NEW POTION! turbo potion

Hey Pandas,

Now you can move REAL quick on pandanda! but the new "turbo potion" from Paige in Bear Hollow for a small 2 coins!! Yes, only 2 coins! thats what I call a deal!


Please note: This was a glitch and has been fixed. You can now buy them from Paige at a more reasonable price. It may be sad, but it seems more or a normal price.

Friday, August 13, 2010

New location on Pandanda

Hey Pandas,

A new location is coming to Pandanda! It is called the Harvest Grove. Here's a sneak peek:

Heres the post from Henry's Blog:

Greetings Pandas,

As Pandanda Land heads into late summer the days are getting shorter and the nights have that magical feeling. The Harvest Festival is rapidly approaching and all of Pandanda is abuzz with excitement.

Pandas have been busy preparing a new field for the festival, Harvest Grove. Located behind Shady Glen, Harvest Grove is a great place to spend those lazy afternoons and enjoy the cool evening breezes.

The Pandanda Harvest Festival begins on August 20th and the new location will be available to all Pandas! There will be cool prizes and lots of fun for everyone! Keep an eye on my blog for more about the Harvest Festival as it gets closer.

Generally, Elite Members get access to the new locations first, but i'm not sure whether that will apply for this location.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hi everyone!
It's Blue's birthday today!

Happy birthday! Don't forget to say happy birthday next time you see her!

I was thinking we could try and have a birthday party on pandanda tomorrow when Blue will probably be on! What do you think?

Quests should be coming on pandanda soon and the harvest festival will have prizes, and there will be a new potion!(YAY!! new potion = new glitches:D:D) Also u probably know all the new things like I met Henry tshirt and the possibility to turn friend requests off. And you know the thing that pops up at the top of your screen saying pandas have come online? Well it works for ignored pandas to!
Look at these pics i took when they where being added:
Mistral :-)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Hey Pandas,

This glitch is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

This only just happened so this might be the first post about this amazing glitch!

Heres the pic:

And thats just one of the times it happened!

Special thanks to Cube for figuring out this amazing glitch!

Cya guys!

Blu : D (sorry if u guys missed me - i havent been on the blog 4 a while!)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

AMAZING new money maker....

Hey Pandas, 

Heres a cool way to catch fish REALLY quickly:

Go to Coconut Beach,

When a coconut appears, stand between it and the water, where you can fish.

Click the coconut, and as it cracks, click the water, like youre fishing.

You won't collect the coconut, but you will catch the fish the moment you click the water.

This money making glitch was discovered by Beaver5. Thank you for telling us about this glitch!

Bendy :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

New clothing catalogue!

Hey Pandas,

Today's been MANIC! Check this out:

Pandas eager to get a look at the new catalogue blocked up the doorway!

It's got lots of really cool stuff, with the really cool sunglasses (the ones i wear) back in!

Also, Happy Birthday Mistral!

Enjoy, Bendy :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mist's Big Birthday Bash

Hey Pandas,

You may have heard that it's Mistrals birthday tomorrow. There will be a big party, at The Big Scoop on Willow, at 11:30pm 24 June, Pandanda Time. Come if you can!

Come along!

The Big Scoop, Willow
11:30pm 24 June Pandanda Time

Monday, June 21, 2010

New clothes Catalogue!!

Hi everyone!

You may have seen on Henry's Blog about the new clothing catalogue full of  "Summer Fun!"

Heres a sneak peak:

and here's the post from Henry's Blog:

Hey Everyone!

Today is the Summer Solstice and the mid-point of the Summer Festival. I hope everyone is enjoying the festivities as much as I am!

If you checked out the Pandanda calendar today you might have noticed something new; Mr. Fitch from the Clothing Co. is expecting to get a new shipment of summer clothes this Friday!

The new clothing catalog will be packed full of awesome Summer Fun! Be sure to check out the latest fashions and then head over to Coconut Beach to show off your new threads!  

Bendy :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


We've decided that its time for a new look for Blue and Bendy's Blog. I was browsing some designs, and this one stood out - I thought it was awesome, with Mistrals new header picture.

Do you like it? What do you think? Have your say on the poll.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coconut Beach Launches And More!

Hi pandas!
On June the first coconut beach launched for members, and it is THE BEST LOCATION YET! If you walk along the beach, the screen moves! The graphics are amazing. You can't gather mushrooms, gems, or rubbish - but instead there are coconuts! They come up really fast, and you get eight coins each!
If you aren't a member so you can't see the beach, here are some photos:

this is the middle...
the end.....
and the other end!
I can't help wondering what it will be like in winter............

Also, look at the email i got from pandanda:


Swimsuits are coming soon. We do not yet have a release date for them, so keep watching Henry's Blog for updates.

Thank you,
The Pandanda Team
Henry said on his blog That there will be Festival Pineapples you can collect and get prizes for for the summer festival! Sounds like a summer festival version of the egg hunt! I wonder who or what you will trade them into - wouldn't be great if pandanda made a non playing panda for the beach?

Also, I just discovered that on July pandanda will be giving away free one month memberships every day! You just have to login to go in the draw. So get all your pandas on as often as you can!

Have fun sunbathing and swimming everyone ;-)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Latest Pandanda News and Earning Coins

Hi pandas,
As you probably know there will be a beach opening on pandanda soon! The summer festival will start there, and we are all hoping there will be prizes.

I just did a test to see what is the best and fastest ways to earn coins. I first went fishing, and at the end of 5 minutes. I had earned 123 coins. Panda pairs came second with 133 coins after 5 minutes, (going to level 3 then starting again) and then I played dragon's revenge for 5 minutes, (going to 30 coins then starting again) and earned 276 coins! So if you need to earn lots of coins I would recommend dragon's revenge.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Poll results

Well its a bit late but...

The results for the "What's your fav Pandanda Seating?" poll are:

1st: Bean Bags and Sofas (41% 5 votes)

2nd: Cushions (16% 2 votes)

3rd: Office Chairs and Rugs (0% 0 votes)


How to sorta create your own glitch

To sorta make your own glitch, heres some hints that might help you:

By using a "Snizzle Fizzle" potion, then cancelling it in mid-air, when you use another, it makes your panda drop on the screen (or become lower than he/she originally was).

By using a "Snizzle Fizzle" potion, then starting a new potion in mid-air, it makes your panda rise on the screen (or become higher than he/she originally was).

Hope these help!


Please leave a comment with your awesome glitch so others can try it too!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hide in Zings tent

This is better than Fishy Joe

U can actuallyhide in Zings tent!!!!


1)Buy both: 1x Snizzle Fizzle Potion & 1x Dragon Tears Potion

2)Go to the treehouse lobby

3)Get as close to Zing as possible (Stand about under the 'hoo' in his name)

4)Equip yourself with your bubble potion

5)Go into your backpack

6)Make your bubble (with you inside - of course) jump (the letter 'j' on your keyboard) and while in midair, equip yourself with your dragon tears potion.

7)Ta da! You are now inside Zings tent!


Heres some pics of Bendy doing it (I can't as im not a member - you can't buy all the potions)

Bendy's the one in the tent smiling!

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to become Fishy Joe

this is awesome glitch - trust me!!

First, buy a snizzle fizzle, mouse hair and dragon tears potion.

Go to the Fishing hole, equipped with your snizzle fizzle potion.

Aim your bubble underneath Fishy Joe.

Go into your backpack.

While in your backpack, jump (the letter 'j'), and drink the mouse hair potion while in mid air.

You are now standing at Fishy Joes feet. To become noticable, drink your dragon tears potion.

That's it!!


Heres a pic of Bendy doing it - I cant as im not a member (you cant buy all the potions)

First post for zings prize


Blogger hurry up!
This is the first picture and post about Zing's new prize!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Best place to catch ghosts

Hi fellow pandaz

Just been in/on Misty Hill and after e few rounds of "The Ghosts of Misty Hill", I figured that you caught alot more ghosts in a paricular area. This area is near the forest entrance (by the "1864" tombstone), where they go in and out the forest. Normally I catch around 20 Ghosts (Im not very good!!!), butnow icatch about 30!!!!!

You have GOTTA try this out (same as catching bunnies near the bush in the middle of the Darby Field, where they like to hide)


Did you know????

That the following help your dragon?

Jumping - Helps develop your dragon's ability to fly, strenghtening it's wings and legs.

Dancing - Is a great sourse of excercise. Once you're dragon has hatched, dancing with it will improve it's happiness and health.

Flint Nibbles - Over time your dragon will develop the ability to breathe fire! 'Flint Nibbles' are a dragon's favourite treat, and the fizzy taste and makes spewing flames irresistable.



Monday, April 26, 2010

Hi pandas!

I am the first person to see, get, and take a photo of Zing's new prize! (I know this has taken a while to post but I was busy today) Here is the photo:

It's a beaded screen! the yellow star is lit up and goes up and down the screen, like Christmas lights. A great prize I think.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

BlueIsGood (editor and poster)

Hi pandaz!!

First. Uhhhhh Mistral in case you haven't read,
sorry but Bugzyrox is the stunt and glitch guy!! lol!!
I might up-date this later!!

C u!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mistral again

Hi pandas!
The egg hunt is over! Sigh.
I can take photos now (thanks blue!) So here are some:

Me on the book nook door (westheking and other elite pandas are in the bottom center of the screen)

Party at the purple door!

Dancing on water in my old panda rock outfit (I have better shoes now)

I figured out how to walk on walls! (Bugzyrox is the glitch guy so he will tell you (if he knows how!)

Not much has else has been happening in pandanda lately.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Todays News (11/04/2010)

Hi PD players!

Blu here! In case you haven't heard, I am poster and editor so if you see an extra bit (not a comment though) at the bottom of one of Bendy or Mistrals posts it's me saying something doesn't work. When we solve the problem the writing will disappear and also, I correct mistakes (spelling,grammar and punctuation)! That's the editors work! Also I post! And I also manage Mistrals and my band! Alot I have to do!!!! I dont know why I wrote this but I weirdly felt like it! lol!

Also as a special note for Lavvy,
we are sorry but it would have
been way too hard. We miss u!

YAY!!! This is a bit later. Lavvy is my friend again
and look at candys tree!!! (below) Click it to see it close up!


Latest Pandanda news

Hi Pandas!
As you probably know Henry was on. I'm sorry I can't take pics! Anyway, so everyone who waited in Shady Glen, Henry was going from server to server. Funny thing was was that people where more intrested in the moderators!

Oh and I fixed the problem with Askme. Someone changed the password! Just a small thing: If you do change it the password will go to my email so I can change it back. So the password is again ok123.

The egg hunt is less popular now. Almost no pandas are nubbing the Easter Bunny. (Buy a mouse potion, go to the west market street, drink it, move your mouse over the bunny then press tab and enter. Easy!)

 Oh and I'm a member. So if you see a elite panda called Mistral it is me!

Mistral and windsurfgirl (and followme1 and Askme)

Hi PD players!

Its me BlueIsGood

I have just tried to get into Askme and it STILL wont work!!!!!LOL!!!
Can u ,Mistral, see if someone has changed the passwordAGAIN!!!



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our roles at Blue and Bendy's Blog

Mistral: Gossip Girl

BlueIsGood: Poster, Editor and Panda Rock Manager

Bendyfriendy: General Poster and Panda Idol Manager (and judge)

Bugzyrox: Stunt and Glitch Guy

We have a fast blog.

Ever been on Websites that take ages to load.

Well, this isnt one of those.

I entered the site at 'stopwatch' and we got an average time of 1.877 seconds to load the whole blog!!

Bendy :)

Poll Extended

I'm really pleased that we even got 7 votes.

I extended it so we could try get it to 107 votes. I hope. Please spread waord and tell other pandas to vote.

Happy Voting!!


P.S. Its only around until the 1st May. So Hurry!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

one quick post...

Hi pandas!
I have made a panda everyone can login to...

Spend coins, earn them, do whatever you want with askme!

Have fun with it!
P.S. Ok no geting reported it askme got banned! if you do i will get reported forever...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter egg hunt and more

Hi Pandas!

The Easter egg hunt has started! It's basically like golden tickets - except much better. There has to be extra servers since it's so full! The prizes are amazing, WAY better than Zings if you get enough eggs. Non members will be happy! You can win:
Two eggs: super bunny potion, (turn into a giant bunny,)
Fifty eggs: bunny slippers, chick slippers, or a chick shirt,
One hundred eggs: A DRAGON! (green-yellow, for members and non members! I have mine already)
A small tip for egg hunting - Bear hollow has the most eggs.

For if you don't know, you can have two pandas on at the same time. Make another panda, (as well as your main one)  and remember it, and then open another browser, so you have two different browsers up at the same time. Get Pandanda up on both. Log into your main one on one browser, and your new one on the other.

A panda said Henry was on in palm. Not likely...

Skipper was doing egg hunting, but left because pandas were everywhere and he couldn't click on the eggs!

Mistral (and her other panda windsurfgirl)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mistral Gets Promoted

From the 25th March 2010, At 11:15pm pandanda time, Mistral is being promoted from:

Blue And Bendy's Blog Poster


Blue And Bendy's Blog Gossip Girl.

This has been discussed between Bugzyrox(me) and Bendyfriendy(me again) (with a bit of persuasion from BlueIsGood).


Todays News (26/3/2010)

Hi Pandas!

Yesterday (or was it the day before?)
I took this pic! Hope u enjoy it!

Blu (BlueIsGood)

Friday, March 19, 2010

my first post....


I'm Mistral!

SO much has been on at Pandanda at the moment! The Calendar, where you can make events and invite all your buddies, The new spring catalog (I spent 2000 coins on stuff in there - and I'm not a member!) And last but NOT least, Zing is gone. :-(

There was another moderator on today. Bear Hollow was so full that there were 100 pandas in there!!! People were asking to be reported! (????) Everybody had to go to the fishing hole when they logged in - it soon became full to. It's amazing what one moderator can do....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Todays News (15/3/2010)

Hey Pandanda Pandas!

 So sad but heres a pic to remember him.

See u soon!


Friday, March 5, 2010

Todays News (6/3/2010)

Hi Panda's!

Today I saw my good friend Mistral and my
Long Lost Friend andstill from Panda Idol!

More news may be added later.

BlueIsGood : )

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bugzyrox plays with water!!

Hi guys

This is my first post - I am bendyfriendy's other panda.

Thanks to alliebcool, i had awesome fun today in the fishing hole - literally.

Here are some pics.

If you want to know how i did it here it is:

1) Buy 2 Snizzle Fizzle Potions from Paige in Bear Hollow

2) While jumping by the water, quickly click cancel potion (top right corner of your screen) - in mid air

3)use your other potion and cancel it aswell.

That's all


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Todays News

Hi everyone,

Today I took pics with friends, tested McWiggles ice-creams (yum!) and had a nice day! Hope you enjoy these pics.


Friday, February 12, 2010

collectables' price list - how much money can you get for them?

Hi guys

I thought this may be interesting - i only have the prices for stuff i collected so if theres some ive missed out, please add by leaving a comment - Thanks


Ranier Cherry 5coins
Carrot 5coins
Orange 6coins
Gold Mushroom 10coins
Green Mushroom 5coins
Purple Mushroom 5coins
Yellow Mushroom 6coins
Potato 5coins
Onion 3coins


Rainbow Trout 11coins
Pink Stripe Grouper 20coins


Round Cut Gold Tournaline 30coins
Round Cut Emerald 30coins
Coal 6coins
Round Cut Amethyst 30coins
Triangle Cut Amethyst 28coins
Triangle Cut Blue Sapphire 34coins
Key 10coins
Triangle Cut Topaz 28coins
Triangle Cut White Diamond 30coins
Round Cut White Diamond 32coins

Recyclable Litter:

Soda Can(Green) 5coins
Bottle 4coins
Can(Red) 6coins

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Panda idol layout

Hi guys

If you want to create a layout design for panda idol please let us know by leaving a comment explaining your design.

Also, we would like to know if you rather cushions or beanbags for the seating for audience.

If you like beanbags (as most do) then let us know (post a comment) and we will change them over time.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pandanda Trivia Quest

Hi guys

If you need a hand with some of the questions, be sure to check

They have awesome hints!!


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Panda Idol Restart

Hi guys!

Panda Idol has recently gone slack and not been busy

So now we are going to have a really big start - write your panda name on a comment and post it and you will be in for auditions.



This time it will be MASSIVE!!!!!