
Monday, January 24, 2011

Zing Prize #42

So... this is my first Zing Prize post. It's actually amazing to think theres already been 42 epic prizes! If you don't know what the Zing Prizes are, or how to get them, here's how:

1) Collect 10 Golden Tickets. These are just like the normal objects that you can collect - just  walk up to 'em and click on 'em. 

 Here's a tip: If you want to know how many tickets you have collected, click on the picture of a Golden Ticket below the map icon.

2) Go and visit Zing at the Treehouse Lobby. You can get here either by the map, 

or the The Den via Pawthorne Forest.

3) Speak to Zing (Click on him).

He will offer a prize, or 500 coins. You will only get to choose 1 prize and if you choose the money, then collect another 10 tickets and speak to him, he will not offer a prize. He only lets you receive a prize once a week, and this gets updated every Monday.

So, back to this weeks epic prize...... If you don't want to know what it is and find out for yourself on Pandanda, DONT SCROLL DOWN!.......



.... here's a hint of what it is.... it is orange




.... and is a t-shirt




It is....

An Orange Smiley wearing headphones shirt! Here's what it looks like, with last weeks prize of headphones:

What do you think of it? I think it's awesome! I wonder what the next prize will be....

Bendy :)

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